The Benefits of ACME Lead Screw Refurbishing

The Benefits of ACME Lead Screw Refurbishing

Not all screws are made the same, and many are made for different purposes and uses. The ACME lead screw is a screw that is industrial manufactured to exceed all industry standards. REMPCO Acquisition specialties in manufacturing the best lead screws. We also offer lead screw refurbishing as well. Below, we’ll take a look at the ACME lead screw and offer up some advantages to refurbishing it as well. Contact us today for all of your industrial replacement parts today!


Lead screws are screws made out of lead, instead of a metal alloy that a lot of screws are made from. ACME lead screws refer to the thread of the screw. The thread of the screw is the ridge layer that wraps around it that is usually in the shape of a helix.Lead screws are ridge and bulky, and ACME lead screws come in a variety of sizes and types that offer freedom and versatility to the user.


ACME lead screws are great for applications that require motion, such as medical devices. These screws are great for when linear motion is required. They cost less than ball screws, are efficient, and are quick to position. They are also extremely quiet when in motion, which is another reason they are popular for medical devices. They resist corrosion, don’t require as much lubricant as ball screws, and are maintenance free.


Saves You Money

Anytime you can refurbish something, you will be saving on raw materials and on costs associated with making something from scratch. This holds true for ACME screws as well. The process uses thread milling, whirling, or regrinding in order to get the screw back to its original form. Companies that specialize in industrial replacement parts, such as REMPCO Acquisition, have the tools and capabilities to do this quickly, efficiently, effectively, and in large batches.

There are many times when we cannot refurbish an ACME lead screw if the thread is worn beyond economical repair. In these cases, we quickly manufacture a new thread and salvage what we can from the old one.

Saves You Time

The process to refurbish an ACME lead screw is extremely quick, and the more ACME lead screws you send us here at REMPCO Acquisition, the faster the process is. Thus, you will have less down time on your industrial machinery if you choose to refurbish your screws, which, of course, makes everyone happy — the owners, the employees, and the customers waiting for the goods you make.


Saves You Headaches

Sometimes it’s just easier to fix something than to find a complete replacement for a component part. While you could probably order more ACME lead screws off the internet fairly quickly, you’ll have the worry of if these screws will be strong enough for your industrial tasks. Plus, you’ll have to spend time researching manufacturers of ACME lead screws and then decide which one is best for you. Plus, let’s be honest, when you find a reputable industrial replacement part company that can remanufacture and refurbish damaged and obsolete components, as well as ACME lead screws, you want to choose them over the unknown company.

Helps Our Planet

Every little thing we do to help save our planet produces a cumulative effect that can, in the long run, make a huge difference. Refurbishing ACME lead screws may not seem like it will make a big difference in helping our environment because they are tiny screws. However, when you think of the billions of screws that are used in industrial manufacturing, construction, and other uses, such as in automobile manufacturing, you are looking at a lot of raw material that can be reused. Instead of filling landfills and digging holes in the earth, you are reusing what someone else has already made, preventing further junk on our planet.


Since 1978, REMPCO Acquisition has been supplying the best threaded products, gears, and custom-made replacement components to our customers worldwide. Our customer service is unparalleled, ensuring that all of your questions are answered and all of your needs met. With refurbishing of ACME lead screws and our other industrial equipment services, uur mission is to help you get back up and running quickly and efficiently. Contact us today!